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Now this is not for everybody. It might not be for anybody. You can listen to movies and TV shows. You can't see them, but you can hear them.

I think it's cool if it's a movie that you've seen a billion times and love. It's also fun to quiz your coworkers. Just queue up a classic and see who can guess what movie it is first. I'm stumping Cindy on Mission Impossible as I type. She has no idea...

The Wedding Singer is a good choice. You don't really need to see it to feel the emotion. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll probably get fired if your boss walks by.

"I'm the best guitar player in the world. Self-taught. No lessons. Thank you very much."

I hate to go all literary on you again, but this is pretty neat.

You can search, subscribe, and browse through a variety of totally free audio books and it's totally legal.

Trade DVD's, CD's, video games, and books. Super cool.

1 Comment

  1. Dylan on January 8, 2008 at 10:56 AM

    I like to use for my coupon searches.