Aaron and I had a great time at this the other night. The kids all seemed to be having a lot of fun too.

As the night went on, we accumulated this following of 8ish-year-old boys. Eventually, as you might have expected, Aaron incited a riot among them.

Aaron + 8ish-year-olds = violence and mayhem.

They all started attacking him and each other. I got some pictures of it for you:

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous on November 5, 2008 at 10:58 AM

    Aaron - if photography doesn't work out for you, you could always work as one of those dogs that people take around to the wards in the childrens' hospitals to cheer up the sick kids. Seriously. You have a gift.

    And think about how that would round out your resume: nuclear engineer, check. photographer, check. cheering up sick children, check. I almost would hire you as my nanny.

    Susan Kelly