We've been working our bunt cakes off cleaning out the attic and other various storage nooks/crannies over the last few weeks.

As you may have heard, this is our 25th year in business and you can accumulate a lot of stuff over that many years. So far we've hauled off nearly a ton (literally) of stuff.

We're streamlining and organizing and it feels so good.

On another note, check out our announcement about Wildflower Portraits on the official blog. It's going to be awesome.

What you won't read there, however, is that the studio used to bring in live lambs and bunnies for spring portraits, which seems like a great idea.

We decided against it this year because of allergy and sanitation concerns. Plus some kids find them horrifying and the lambs sometimes eat the smaller children.

The wildflowers will be an improvement for sure.