Phew! It's been busy around here.

Fall on the Farm has been a huge success; Cindy has been working through a brazillian images; I've been revamping our website to dazzle all the new eye balls that will be looking at it; Safe Trick-or-Treat night has come and gone; we're ramping up for Christmas portraits; and we're working hard in the Little Photography lab on fresh ideas for next year.

So those are my excuses for letting the Secret Blog slide to the back burner. I think the best way to get back into the swing of things is to post this picture Aaron found at his grandmother's house in an old Bible.

That's me at the head of the table, looking dignified as the most dressed up guy in the group. That's Aaron to the left of me.

Some of you may not know what Aaron and I look like now, so you might not appreciate this as much as others. We think this must have been taken when we were high school seniors.

I had no idea we looked so young back then. I busted out my college ID from 2004 to confirm.

Note the difference between 2004 Matt and 2007 Matt. Same smirk. Less frontal assault from the hair.

Aaron has developed grey hair like an old man (can't tell in this picture too much), but probably acts less mature than he did back then.

I also found this picture of Cindy from 2000. I didn't realize she used to have blue hair and crazy wolverine eyelashes.


  1. kristin on November 2, 2007 at 1:01 AM

    so cute! I think this pic of Aaron is more like '99, when we started dating. He had the little school boy hair going on back in the day!

  2. JB Williams on November 2, 2007 at 9:31 AM

    Wow! You should have posted this a day earlier. It would have been a great pic for Halloween. Whos the stud in the front in the orange shirt with his mouth hanging open in such an attractive way? (gag)