Ride with me to get some frame stuff. You'll never be the same.*

*You'll actually remain exactly the same.
Good question.

Aaron is shooting a wedding in Salisbury, NC and Cindy is at the beach.

I thought I was going to be taking care of business on my own today; but Haley showed up out of nowhere.

We have a lot going on these days. To-do lists rolled out like red carpets all over the place.

My big thing today is taking pictures of equipment we no longer need and plan to sell. Any photographers reading, check back soon because we want you to have first dibs. It's all in great shape, we just don't need so much of everything.

Back when the studio shot weddings with a bunch of photographers, they had to have multiple sets of everything. This is no longer the case now that LP is streamlined and focused like a laser beam of awesome portraiture.

So that's what we're doing. What are you up to?

Oh, and here's a random video from yesterday:

How do you like my hair cut? I just got if from good 'ol Jim's Barber Shop.

I think I look like some kind of gargoyle cancer patient. Darn you Cindy for being at the beach when I needed a hair cut!

I posted a new poll to get your opinion. It's over to the right of the screen.

Denise guessed it! Veggie Tales: The Good, the Bad, and the Silly.

Aaron was actually reading this to a little girl who came in for portraits. I know you're all amazed at my trick videography skills that made it look as though he was just sitting there, reading it to himself.

First person to make sense out of what he's saying wins.

Best day ever!

Aaron received an extra double cheese burger during a confusing transaction at McDonald's. He gave it to me.

Cindy couldn't eat the rest of her chicken salad sandwich from Panera*. She gave it to me.

Neither of them knew about the other. And people say miracles don't happen anymore. I believe these two bags of food atop my desk are evidence to the contrary.

*There isn't a Panera within 50 miles of our studio...Where did she get this sandwich?

If you voted last week on our Facebook pictures and used the super secret code "(SB)", you should have received a new piece of secret flair from us.

The new flair is called "Good job." and it's in reference to a secret blog post from yesteryear.

Here's what my Facebook bulletin board is looking like. "Good job." is the enlarged button.

If you want some secret flair - go cast your vote by clicking on your favorite image and leaving a comment with "(SB)" at the end.

If you don't want some secret flair, you must not understand just how awesome secret flair is.

This should help:

Secret flair:
- will make your virtual friends drool* with jealousy
- will increase your secret awesomeness** by roughly 10%
- will decrease productivity at work
- will confuse and bewilder online predators
- can be used like dull ninja stars AND tiny dinner plates***

*literal drooling
**secret awesomeness - awesomeness that no one knows about or believes when you tell them about it
***no it can't

We've spun the wheel again. Your pose of the day: #10.

This pose was originally meant to replace the wink. In situations where you would normally wink, simply tug at the brim of your hat and wink with your face using a charming smile and lots of eye wrinkles.

If you're not the hat wearing type, just keep one tucked away in a bag, or a satchel of some sort. Whip it out whenever you need to Pose 10 someone.

Don't carry a satchel? Hide a hat down your shirt or pants. But make sure you can get to it fast. The moment passes quickly. If it takes too long, the person won't remember what you're talking about anymore. To them, you'll just be standing there wearing a hat you pulled out of you pants and a creepy smile.

What type of hat works best? Glad you asked:

Happy posing! And remember, it's a fine line between charming face-wink guy and creepy pants-hat guy.

I'll finish the post with a shot of Aaron striking Pose 13. He loves medieval equestrian dogs. It's a hobby of his actually.

Send your pose pictures to info@littlephotography.net and be featured on the secret blog. Your friends will never look at you the same way again.

Enjoy a little peek behind the scenes at LP and some uncomfortably close footage of my face.

Have questions for Aaron or anyone else at LP? Leave a comment and ask us anything. We might just post a video answer...