We've been really busy at the studio lately. I realize the contradiction of saying that, then posting pictures of us all out in the backyard playing with a frisbee; but life is full of contradictions. Plus, these were taken weeks ago, before it started getting up to 178 degrees every day.

This is Haley, our newest addition to the team. I kept promising that we would give her a formal introduction on both blogs; but I don't think that's going to happen (too busy...). So this will have to serve as her official introduction.

What's she doing? Your guess is as good as mine.

Here's Cindy throwing and/or catching the frisbee.

Here I am retrieving the frisbee after I threw it onto the roof. Probably didn't need the dust pan.

Here's Aaron demonstrating what Haley was tyring to do.

This is why we don't allow ourselves to go outside and goof off very often. Things get out of hand.