This is secret flair.

This particular piece is in reference to a past secret blog post that you might remember.

Each week, anyone who votes on an image in the Facebook Group will receive a piece of secret flair. A new piece will be introduced each week.

If you want some, go ahead and visit the group, click on your favorite image and leave a comment (that's how to vote).

Don't forget to type in "(SB)" after your comment so we'll know you're a secret blog reader.


You may have heard what we're doing with the little PHOTOGRAPHY Facebook Group.

Anyone who votes for their favorite image will be entered into a random drawing for an iTunes gift card. Pretty cool, you say.

And you're right. It's stinkin' awesome.

But for you, a Secret Blog Reader, things just got COOLER.

Anyone who votes and includes the following secret code after their comment will receive Secret Flair.*

The code: (SB)

Example: "I think this is the best picture. (SB)"

*Flair is a button that you can place on a quark board on your Facebook profile. Remember Jennifer Aniston's flair in Office Space? That's what it is.

I was going to post an explanation; but I think it's funnier without one.

Want to participate? Email your birth date, what color shirt you're wearing, and a picture of you to

Have a great weekend everyone.

What's young Bryson talking about?

Stay tuned for an explanation...

It's not often that one of our clients makes the secret blog, but Hillary is an exception to the rule. Why? Two words.


We're excited to tell you about some new ways you can experience the little PHOTOGRAPHY Secret blog (yes, I just copied and pasted this from the regular blog, but there are some minor modifications...).

1) look to the right of the page and check out what the LP Team is up to: real time!

2) also on the right of the page, subscribe to receive new blog posts right smack in your email inbox.

We've been really busy at the studio lately. I realize the contradiction of saying that, then posting pictures of us all out in the backyard playing with a frisbee; but life is full of contradictions. Plus, these were taken weeks ago, before it started getting up to 178 degrees every day.

This is Haley, our newest addition to the team. I kept promising that we would give her a formal introduction on both blogs; but I don't think that's going to happen (too busy...). So this will have to serve as her official introduction.

What's she doing? Your guess is as good as mine.

Here's Cindy throwing and/or catching the frisbee.

Here I am retrieving the frisbee after I threw it onto the roof. Probably didn't need the dust pan.

Here's Aaron demonstrating what Haley was tyring to do.

This is why we don't allow ourselves to go outside and goof off very often. Things get out of hand.