It's prom season, and you know what that means. The studio is crawling with seniors ordering and picking up tuxedos. Yes, we rent formal wear.

We thought it would be a good idea to commemorate the 2008 prom season with some images from yesteryear.

Here's a couple of us before prom. That's me (Matt) on the right. I must have been so focused on getting the smile just right that I didn't notice where the camera was.

Aaron's in the middle, looking like the hobbit version of Frankenstein.

We don't know who the guy on the left is. He just sort of popped in there right when the camera went off. We never saw him again.

Note the change in expression on my face in the before picture above, and the picture below, taken at the prom.

You see, I wrecked my girlfriend's dad's car on the way to the prom. Kinda put a damper on things. That glazed over look says it all...

Here's Cindy, or CinDog as she prefers to be called, with Scott at the 1952 prom. Archaeologists believe it was the first prom ever held; but due to the poor condition of fossil samples, we may never know for sure.

Be sure to send your prom pictures to to be published on the secret blog. Do it soon, for prom season only lasts so long.

Only three days left to vote. If you've already voted, get on another computer and vote again. We really want to hear from you guys on this.

Scroll to the bottom of the page, past all the posts and cast your vote about your favorite secret blog features.

So far, it looks like most people are digging the behind-the-scenes things.

You can get the details of Very Special Arts on the official blog. It was a really good time.

Here's a few things you won't find on the official blog.

First, the inflatable caterpillar.

I manned this thing all morning without incident, then Aaron took over while I ran to get some food. I came back about a minute and half later to find a bloody-nosed kid surrounded by paramedics.

The caterpillar was fun, but it still blows our minds that someone actually thought of, designed, and manufactured an inflatable caterpillar that folks enter through the chest and crawl out through the...Well, you see what I'm talking about.

If you've never been birthed by a giant caterpillar, you should try it. It's invigorating in a weird, unnatural sort of way.

This guy showed up just in time.

Tom Meckola was there. He was in charge of the inflatable bouncing castle thing. He did a great job, except that the castle kept collapsing on everyone who entered.

As things were winding down, Aaron and I took a stroll down memory lane. The school has changed a lot, but it's still the same old Piedmont we left eight years ago. We didn't see any donkeys or other farm animals wandering around, but you could feel it in the air.

This is Mr. Medford, A.K.A. Trad the Lad, Aaron's AP Chemistry teacher. Aaron skipped lab every time, but still manages to successfully perform amateur chemical reactions using mildly volatile substances in the studio (cat hair, polyester, etc.).

For those of you who are new to the secret blog, the Pictionary Pop Quiz game is explained here. (click the word 'here')

Basically, the first person to guess correctly in the 'comments' section below gets their picture beautifully edited and featured on the secret blog.

So, the stakes are high. Take a look...

This one was drawn by me (Matt). It's not my best work; but it's close.

Hints: It's a plural noun. More hints to come in response to your comments. As folks guess, I'll add comments that might help.

Good luck; but if you're like me, you make your own luck. (Billy Zane, Titanic)


And now, for the latest winner: Kennedy searched way back in the blog archives and found a pictionary quiz that no one ever won and she NAILED IT!

The answer was "invasion" and your eyes are about to be invaded by this:

This was taken during our Angry Ape sessions a while back. They weren't for everybody, but Kennedy really got into it.

Congratulations Kennedy. You are the wind beneath our wings and we hope that one day we can be the wind beneath your angry ape arms.

Yo yo yo!

We have a new poll posted down below. We want to know what you enjoy most about the secret blog. So scroll down to the bottom of the page, past all the posts to where all the links are. You'll see the poll there. Vote on your favorite secret blog features (you can select more than one).

Then scroll back up to this post and click 'comments' and let us know exactly what you think.

Thanks! You guys are awesome. And remember - don't tell anyone about this blog.

I really want to post something, but I don't have any pictures ready yet. So I'll just tell you about our day here at the studio.

We created a new space in the studio. I'm not at liberty to divulge what this space will be used for just yet; but I can tell you that it involves a rusty cabinet laid on its side, a flat screen TV, a great deal of joint compound and an old barber chair.

Cindy yelled at me for saying it was hot in the studio, but refusing to wear short sleeves.

We stuck it to the man and watched an episode of The Office during lunch.

This weekend is Greystone Academy's prom, so we had some dudes come through to grab their tuxes. One of the aforementioned dudes (Chandler Potts) came with his brother. They looked so much alike that I couldn't tell them apart. I'm still not sure who was the real Chandler. Maybe neither of them. Who knows? Somebody walked out of here with Chandler's tux.

I'll leave you with an inspiring quote from earlier today: "You are a crust-clod in the joint compound of my life."

Whip that one out the next time your spouse irritates you.

What's this all about? See here and here.

These sites are sweet mainly because they look so good. As a benefit, they save bees and contribute to the caffeine addictions of the world.

Check 'em!

Help the

Go to this site when you're feeling stressed out. Turn the volume up. Sit back. Relax.

Try it. You'll see what I mean. And you might save a honey bee while you're at it.

Starbucks Coffee at

Fine your favorite coffee while checking out awesome chalkboard art.

Mine is Costa Rica Tarrazu, which is also the name of Costa Rican version of Indiana Jones - which is one of my favorite movie franchises. So, it makes sense.

We're pleased to announce last week's pictionary winner: Chris Wrenn.

I didn't feel that his picture needed any editing. This is straight up Chris right here.

Congratulations my friend.

Be sure to leave a congratulatory comment for Chris below.

We'll post another Pictionary Pop Quiz soon; so be preparing yourselves.

Thanks for stopping by.

We're getting ready to construct a new backdrop for the studio tomorrow and Aaron was talking about what all we need to get together before we can work on it. One of the items is a reciprocating saw which he referred to as a "demolition blade".

Of course, we immediately thought of Wesley Snipes, ninja kicking star of the Blade movies.

Then we realized that he was also in Demolition Man.

We inadvertently stumbled upon a DOUBLE Wesley Snipes movie reference.

The only way it could have been better is if he said, "We need to grab a major league demolition blade or I'm going to reach my boiling point while I'm waiting to exhale," which isn't all that unrealistic with Aaron.

What's your favorite Wesley Snipes movie reference or quote? Let us know in the 'comments' section below this post.