We have a winner from the last Pictionary Pop Quiz! As always, you'll have to read to the bottom of this post to see who it was; and it's a doozy this time around.

First, buckle up for today's quiz:

These were drawn by my wife, Meredith, and Cindy's youngest, Kennedy.

Your hint: it's a noun. (I was told that I made it too easy last time; so you only get the one hint. Sorry.)

The first person to guess correctly wins the prize: a beautifully edited image featured on the next Pictionary Pop Quiz.

Now for the winner of last week's quiz.

Matthew Wagenhauser's guess, 'lame', was correct.

Matt Wagentrouser is a first generation immigrant from Germany and his riffle collection is his most prized possession.

Congratulations Matt Vagenblouser.

Okay, get your guesses in early so you can be featured next time. You know you want to be just like Matt Flagmenshowers.

Aaron went hiking with some buds a while back. One of them made this awesome video of the trip.

Check it!


IMDB Trivia:
- In the beginning of the film, when Aaron is distraught over Pete's mysterious disappearance, Pete can be seen in the background. He's the one in all black facing away from the camera.
- The film's editor, Wayne, is the crazed, bearded lunatic that pops up midway through the film. He went to school with Josh Turner.
- The soundtrack is from Gladiator.
- Garin, the primary videographer, is now in the Coast Guard. The Mt. Roger's hiking trip was his farewell adventure.
- Peter C. Hoffman was considered for the role of Garin, but turned it down, preferring the role of Pete. He later regretted the decision.
- All of Aaron's lines were completely adlibbed. Much of his monologue had to be replaced by another actor after it was decided that he was making no sense.

- The final showdown between The Five and the Mountain was originally filmed in Ontario, Canada.
- Once the cast reached the top of the mountain, they were so famished that they ate Pete. It would have only been a 30 minute hike down the mountain to a Cracker Barrel.
When you feel tense at work or school, or just want to take a minute and enjoy life, pose 19 is the pose for you.

People will see that you wreak of confidence and right guard, and they'll be inexplicably drawn to you.

Pose 19 works best with the pose 19 hairstyle. To achieve this look, bake your hair at 450 for 3.5 hours. Spread a even gloss of Worcestershire sauce for sheen.

Remember to send a picture of you striking pose 19 to info@littlephotography.net.
We have a winner from our last LP Pictionary pop quiz!

You'll have to read to the end of the post to find out who it is.

In the meantime, check it:

This bad boy was drawn by Scott Beatty, Cindy's husband and it may be the most challenging one yet.

A couple of hints: It's an adjective. It's one word. It almost rhymes very loosely with lemon meringue. People often call presidents this type of duck...

Leave your guess in the comments below. The first correct guesser will receive a carefully edited image featured on the Secret Blog.

Now, for what you've all been waiting for: the winner of the last pictionary pop quiz is....Taylor Bowers!

I know, you're all sick of Taylor. She's had her 15 minutes of fame and then some. She even has her own slideshow tribute. I'm right there with you; but she won and I have no choice but to feature her picture with her long-time friend and partner, Detective Ricardo Tubbs:

Congratulations Taylor! Tell Tubb-dog I said 'wazzup'.

If you're not wearing green, consider yourself pinched.
We found something a while back: a posing wheel. The photographer just spins this wheel and where ever it lands, that's the pose the client strikes.* Takes all the guess work out of the session.

So a new secret blog feature is born. Every so often, we'll post a pose of the day. Your job as readers is to strike this pose as often as you can throughout the day.

If you get a chance, be sure to snap a picture of you striking the pose of the day and email it to info@littlephotography.net. If we're sufficiently blown away, you'll make the secret blog.

Your first pose of the day:

This pose is sure to get you that promotion at work. It works well standing still AND walking around. So when you come back to work from lunch, have a jacket draped over your shoulder and a smug look that says, "I'm fixin' to drape your face over my shoulder."

*Little Photography does not in any way use the posing wheel during actual sessions.
We would like a take a moment to say thanks to a very special young lady.

Taylor Bowers, a descendant of pirate William Parker, grew up in East Asia where she made a living harvesting rice.

One thing led to another, and she found herself on our doorstep at Little Photography a few months ago. With nothing but a mouthful of rice and the determination of a coyote or possibly a fox, she clawed her way to the top of the corporate latter.

Without Taylor Bowers, Little Photography would be more like Piddly Photography. Or Don'tknowdiddly Photography. With Taylor. We do know diddly. We know diddly all the time.

In fact, without Taylor Bowers, I wouldn't even be writing this secret blog entry right now. I wouldn't have fingers at all. And there's a good chance that neither would you.

So without further ado, enjoy this special tribute to Taylor Bowers, the pirate-blooded, East Asian, finger-saving photography intern of the century.

Thanks for all the help Taylor.

If you have a story about how Taylor has impacted your life, please let us hear it in the comments section.
Ziggity zang!

I've had a hard time keeping up with the secret blog lately. There has been a lot going on. So buckle up for a secret blog DOUBLE DIGEST!

First, a cool website. Just one this time. I'm rusty.


This site was made for me. As anyone who has ever worked with me or even met me will tell you, I can't remember jack. Now all I have to do is shoot a quick email to Sandy, and she does the remembering for me.

The screen shot above is of my first try at it. I emailed her to remind me to be awesome in one minute. She did. And I remembered to be awesome.

The system works.

Second: Pictionary

This is a tough one, drawn by Aaron. It's a place.

The first person to guess it correctly (who hasn't won before) will not just receive their picture in the secret blog - they'll receive a hand-crafted image done by yours truly. It might look similar to this.

Guess away!

Ever wonder what Kennedy, Cindy's youngest daughter, thinks about life? Wonder no more. Check out our exclusive interview:

Diamonds or pearls? I don't really wear jewlery but I'd have to say DIAMONDS.
Favorite T.V show? Hannah Montana or the Food Network Channel or SpongeBob.
What did you have for breakfast? A bowl of Bamm-Bamm Fruity Pebbles.
Favorite cuisine? Home made mac & cheese or spaghetti.
What is your fav CD at the moment? Hannah Montana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What kind of car do you drive? I'm only 10 but I think that the government should let me drive a Corvet.
Fav Sandwich? Wheat bread,pickles,mayo,cheese,turkey.
What are things that you don't like about people? Mean, selfish, think that they are better that everybody else and that they are the only people with needs!!!!!!
What are things you like about people? Nice,respectful, friendly.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Hawaii or Jamica mon.
Fav sport to watch? College Basketball. Preferably DUKE. ( Carolina got schooled!!!!)DUHHHHHHHHH!
Have any Pets? 2 dogs, 3 fish.
Who is the love of your life? God.