I really want to post something, but I don't have any pictures ready yet. So I'll just tell you about our day here at the studio.

We created a new space in the studio. I'm not at liberty to divulge what this space will be used for just yet; but I can tell you that it involves a rusty cabinet laid on its side, a flat screen TV, a great deal of joint compound and an old barber chair.

Cindy yelled at me for saying it was hot in the studio, but refusing to wear short sleeves.

We stuck it to the man and watched an episode of The Office during lunch.

This weekend is Greystone Academy's prom, so we had some dudes come through to grab their tuxes. One of the aforementioned dudes (Chandler Potts) came with his brother. They looked so much alike that I couldn't tell them apart. I'm still not sure who was the real Chandler. Maybe neither of them. Who knows? Somebody walked out of here with Chandler's tux.

I'll leave you with an inspiring quote from earlier today: "You are a crust-clod in the joint compound of my life."

Whip that one out the next time your spouse irritates you.