Wow. It's been a while since we've posted any secret goodness hasn't it?

Well, we've been renovating, okay. So back off.

But don't worry; we have some absolute gold coming your way. So stay tuned.

You'll get the chance to solve a curious murder mystery involving tuxedo mannequins and a toilet. You'll get to see some new painting techniques - Jackie Chan/Circ Du Soleil type stuff. You'll get to see Haley do mental math. AND you'll get a first glimpse of the new studio look.

This is Haley. She is a person, just like the rest of us. And she suffers from CRUMBS*.

We're here to dispel the myth that CRUMBS is contagious and plea for compassion for dozens of people like Haley who live with the discomfort and humiliation of CRUMBS everyday.

We've put together a list of tips in case a loved-one has a monkey bar episode.**

1- Stay calm.
2- Prevent injury.
During the episode, you can exercise your common sense by insuring there is nothing within reach that could harm the person if she struck it.
3- Keep onlookers away.
4- Do not hold the person down.
5- If the person thrashes around there is no need for you to restrain them. Remember to consider your safety as well.
6- Do not put anything in the person's mouth.
7- Contrary to popular belief, the person is incapable of swallowing their tongue so you can breathe easy in the knowledge that you do not have to stick your fingers into the mouth of someone in this condition.
8- Do not give the person water, pills, or food until fully alert.
9- If the episode continues for longer than five minutes, call 911.
10- Be sensitive and supportive, and ask others to do the same.

"I have CRUMBS. But I'm still a person."

*CRUMBS: Chronic Raging Unbearable Monkey Bar Syndrome.
**This list was adapted from a "What to do when someone has a seizure" list. CRUMBS is very similar to epilepsy in many ways.
Today's been wild.

We had an epic 3.5 hour session this morning, a headshot session no-show, and Aaron highlighted stuff.

I read a lot of marketing books and we thought it might help some of our Secret Blogadeers if we posted brief synopsiviews (one part synopsis. one part review. all parts awesome).

I know some of you are photographers trying to make it happen and others are trying to make other businesses happen. Maybe this will help a little. Maybe not. We'll see.

The first book: Word of Mouth Marketing | Andy Sernovitz

1) be interesting.

If there's nothing special going on in your business, there's nothing to talk about; which means no one will hear about it unless you spend a ton of money advertising. Who wants to do that?

2) make it super easy for talkers to talk about your biz.

Link to anything and everything where clients might want to talk about you (review sites, your blog, Facebook, etc.)

It's a quick and easy book. Once you read it you'll give birth to pages of idea babies.

A couple of mine for example:
- started responding to blog commentators (let's them know we care about what they're saying)
- started the teacher discount (great clients who talk about us)
- slapped a subscription form on the blogs (makes it easy for people to stay tuned)
- started free high res Flickr images (clients use them in their social site profiles)
- started pre-session questionnaires (now we can turn each session into a magical unicorn ride of portrait fun)
- encouraged testimonials and online reviews. (linking to them. making it mega-easy)

So there you go.

Hey folks,

How are you?

We're good.

Aaron is organizing the equipment closet today. Cindy is editing like a machine (I don't know how she focuses for so long). I'm researching this and that.

It's been a quiet day. A little too quiet...

New images up for voting in the Facebook group.

Vote by leaving a comment under your favorite image. You might win a $15 iTunes gift card. You WILL win a free piece of secret flair if you include the super secret code: (SB) at the end of your comment.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Click here and learn.

Aaron and Haley's uncle Bill stops by from time to time to shoot the breeze. We thought you might want to meet him.

Remember, you can click the scroll button to leave a comment IN the video.

Gary wants to be a frame salesman for us. Judging from this interview, would you hire him?

Send a JibJab Sendables® eCard Today!

Thanks for this Denise. Best gift ever...

None of your business.

Sorry. I'm pretty tired and I get snappy when I'm sleepy.

This is an exciting week at little PHOTOGRAPHANTASTICAWESOMENESS (possible new studio name we're toying with).

The senior portraits are starting to flow like milk and/or honey.

We're sprucing up the studio.

I got a new coffee mug.

Everything is just clicking.

And here's another random video:

By the way, you can read and make little comments corresponding with certain points in the video by clicking on the scroll bar as it plays. Pretty neat.

Aaron and some of his buds were discussing this the other day and we thought we would pose the question for you folks.

How may actors or actresses can you name who have been in more than one trilogy?

We already have a list going; so let's see what you can come up with.

Leave your answers in the comments below.

I had a birthday last week. Aaron picked out the perfect card for the occasion.

It's not too late to celebrate. Send late birthday presents to 302 S Central Ave, Locust, NC.

E-cards go to

Skywriting accepted between 9am and 5pm over Locust, NC.

Ponies and/or magicians should enter through the back door of the studio.

Who thinks they can guess how old I am now? Give it a shot on the poll to the right. You can see what I look like by browsing through old blog posts.

A hint: it's an even number.