Mothers have spoken: Lambs and bunnies are out; flowers are in.

Join the revolution.

To join Mothers Against Lambs and Bunnies, email

We've been working our bunt cakes off cleaning out the attic and other various storage nooks/crannies over the last few weeks.

As you may have heard, this is our 25th year in business and you can accumulate a lot of stuff over that many years. So far we've hauled off nearly a ton (literally) of stuff.

We're streamlining and organizing and it feels so good.

On another note, check out our announcement about Wildflower Portraits on the official blog. It's going to be awesome.

What you won't read there, however, is that the studio used to bring in live lambs and bunnies for spring portraits, which seems like a great idea.

We decided against it this year because of allergy and sanitation concerns. Plus some kids find them horrifying and the lambs sometimes eat the smaller children.

The wildflowers will be an improvement for sure.

Another discovery! There are treasures everywhere in this crazy studio.

This time we didn't even have to dig it up. We just finally noticed it on Cindy's desk: a box of little photo pins from the early 1900's.

We believe this image is from Harriet Beecher Stowe's senior portrait session. What a find!

These little ditties are also great for intimidation, like a sheriff's badge. People think twice before messing with the long arm of Harriet Beecher Stowe.

For a limited time only, we're offering these HBS Photo Pins for FREE. That's right. Come by the studio to pick up your free Harriet Beecher Stowe senior portrait photo pin and send a message to the world: "Back off. I'm with Harriet," or possibly: "Stowe's fo sho."

I'm pretty excited about this edition of sweet websites, especially the last one.

Take a look!

Good Reads

With a mission to "improve the process of reading and learning throughout the world," this is an ambitious site where you can make friends and view their bookshelves to decide on that next book to read.

This is a great find for anyone who loves to read, but has trouble selecting the next book.

Clean Guys TV

Okay, this site is the bomb-diggity, and I don't use that phrase lightly.

Do you remember Dave Coulier? He's the dude that played the wisecracking and often lame Uncle Joey on Full House.

Apparently, he's still around and has created a site that works a lot like YouTube. Hre's the twist: all content is carefully filtered to only allow clean humor.

This is great if you want to allow your kids to enjoy some internet humor without worrying about all the horrible things they might see and hear along the way. It has stand-up, bloopers from movies and TV shows, original vidoes and more.

So there you have it. Three sites to add to your time-wasting repertoire.

When I came in to work yesterday I was greeted with these beauties.

Cindy knows how I love huneybuns. I especially the kind coated with white frosting just like my arteries. She had gone to the store earlier and decided to perform a random act of kindness and buy me four of them.

If she's not careful I'll put on a few pounds and she won't be able to use the clever nickname she coined for me anymore. (No, I'm not divulging the nickname here on the secret blog. You'll have to ask her yourself:

One word of warning if you're thinking about stockpiling huneybuns: If you let them sit out for too long, you'll attract filthy woodland creatures who will soon be all up in your grill, if you know what I mean.

Like this guy. Who does he think he is?

If you ever see this look in a woodland creature's eyes, you know he or she is after your huneybuns.

Be careful out there.